New musical – The Stars That Remain – update!
4th December 2018 - Posted By Sarah Riches
As I mentioned in August, I have been involved in the development of a brand new musical The Stars That Remain written by my music producer Adrian Kimberlin. The premiere of this new musical was on 8th, 9th and 10th November 2018 at the Old Joint Stock Theatre, Birmingham and we were delighted to find that it was a complete sell out prior to opening and we received some great reviews! We had a great cast and director and we all felt the great privilege of being the first cast to perform this musical for the very first time and of originating our characters. I played the part of Viv in the show and I was extremely lucky to play opposite Hugh Blackwood as my husband. Hugh is the lead singer of Birmingham-based soul band The Atlantic Players and their next gig is at the Night Owl in Birmingham on 29th Dec. We had a fantastic time singing some beautiful songs, including some real tear-jerkers. The Stars That Remain will be continuing its journey in 2019, and I’ll keep you posted on its progress over the next 12 months. Here is a photo of Hugh and I performing one of the musical numbers. Photo credit